

论文名字:Eliminating Synchronization-Related Atomic Operations with Biased Locking and Bulk Rebiasing

Bulk Rebiasing,查了一些博客,一般叫做批量重偏向


  1. 偏向锁撤销,这里的意思是升级的意思。而重偏向,就把锁对象重置为可偏向的状态。
  2. 正常的博客中,对于HotSpot,其实没有提过重偏向,只有偏向锁撤销,升级为轻量级锁。
  3. 在一些对象中,使用重偏向是很有价值的。同样的,在一些对象中,禁用偏向锁是很有价值的。
  4. 这个论文介绍了一些方法,启发式的对一些对象禁用偏向锁,或者启用重偏向。
    1. 监测对象分配地点或者监测某一类class的对象
    2. 计算成本,超过阈值就禁用偏向,同时对所有class的对象禁用偏向
  5. 对批量重偏向和撤销的实现,论文中也提供了两种实现。基于Epoch的实现还是比较巧妙的。




The Java programming language contains built-in synchronization primitives for use in constructing multithreaded programs. Efficient implementation of these synchronization primitives is necessary in order to achieve high performance.

Java 语言内置了一些同步原语,用于构建多线程程序。为了达到高性能的目的,必须高效地实现这些同步原语。

Recent research has focused on the runtime elimination of the atomic operations required to implement object monitor synchronization primitives. This paper describes a novel technique called store-free biased locking which eliminates all synchronization-related atomic operations on uncontended object monitors. The technique supports the bulk transfer of object ownership from one thread to another, and the selective disabling of the optimization where unprofitable, using epoch-based bulk rebiasing and revocation. It has been implemented in the production version of the Java HotSpot VM and has yielded signification performance improvements on a range of benchmarks and applications. The technique is applicable to any virtual machine-based programming language implementation with mostly block-structured locking primitives.




该技术已在Java HotSpot虚拟机的生产版本中实现,并在一系列性能测试和应用中获得了明显的性能改进。



The Java programming language contains built-in support for monitors to facilitate the construction of multithreaded programs. Much research has been dedicated to decreasing the execution cost of the associated synchronization primitives.



A class of optimizations which can be termed lightweight locking are focused on avoiding as much as possible the use of “heavy-weight” operating system mutexes and condition variables to implement Java monitors. The assumption behind these techniques is that most lock acquisitions in real programs are un- contended. Lightweight locking techniques use atomic operations upon monitor entry, and sometimes upon exit, to ensure correct synchronization. These techniques fall back to using OS mutexes and condition variables when contention occurs.

一类可以被称为轻量级锁的优化技术集中在尽可能避免使用 “重量级 “的操作系统互斥锁和条件变量来实现Java监视器。




A related class of optimizations which can be termed biased locking rely on the further property that not only are most monitors uncontended, they are only entered and exited by one thread during the lifetime of the monitor. Such monitors may be profitably biased toward the owning thread, allowing that thread to enter and exit the monitor without using atomic operations. If another thread attempts to enter a biased monitor, even if no contention occurs, a relatively expensive bias revocation operation must be performed. The profitability of such an optimization relies on the benefit of the elimination of atomic operations being higher than the penalty of revocation.





Current refinements of biased locking techniques decrease or eliminate the penalty of bias revocation, but do not optimize certain synchronization patterns which occur in practice, and also impact peak performance of the algorithm


Multiprocessor systems are increasingly prevalent; so much so that uniprocessors are now the exception rather than the norm. Atomic operations are significantly more expensive on multi-processors than uniprocessors, and their use may impact scalability and performance of real applications such as javac by 20% or more (Section 6). It is crucial at this juncture to enable biased locking optimizations for industrial applications, and to optimize as many patterns of synchronization in these applications as possible.





This paper presents a novel technique for eliminating atomic oper- ations associated with the Java language’s synchronization primitives called store-free biased locking (SFBL). It is similar to, and is inspired by, the lock reservation technique and its refinements. The specific contributions of our work are:

  • We build upon invariants preserved by the Java HotSpot VM to eliminate repeated stores to the object header. Store elimination makes it easier to transfer bias ownership between threads.
  • We introduce bulk rebiasing and revocation to amortize the cost of per-object bias revocation while retaining the benefits of the optimization.
  • An epoch-based mechanism which invalidates previously held biases facilitates the bulk transfer of bias ownership from one thread to another.

改论文提供了一个新技术,叫做无存储的偏向锁(store-free biased locking,SFBL),该技术可消除Java语言的同步原语中的原子操作。



  1. 我们在Java HotSpot虚拟机保留的不变性基础上,消除对象头的重复存储。存储消除使得线程之间更容易转移偏向所有权。
  2. 我们引入批量重偏向和批量撤销机制,在保留优化收益的前提下,摊销每个对象的偏向撤销成本。
  3. 使用基于epoch的机制失效偏向,优化了偏向锁所有权从一个线程到另一个线程的批量转移。

Our technique is the first to support efficient transfer of bias ownership from one thread to another for sets of objects. Previous techniques do not optimize the situation in which more than one thread locks a given object. The approaches above support optimization of more synchronization patterns in applications than previous techniques, and allow biased locking to be enabled by default for all applications.





The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the lightweight locking technique in the Java HotSpot VM and its invariants. Section 3 describes the basic version of our biased locking technique. Section 4 describes the bulk rebiasing and revocation techniques used to amortize the cost of bias revocation. Section 5 improves the scalability of bulk rebiasing and revocation using epochs. Section 6 discusses results from various benchmarks. Section 7 provides detailed comparisons to earlier work. Section 8 describes how to obtain our implementation, and Section 9 concludes.


第2节描述了Java HotSpot虚拟机中的轻量锁技术及其不变性(invariants,不知道咋翻译)。







Java HotSpot虚拟机中轻量级锁介绍

The lightweight locking technique used by the Java HotSpot VM has not been described in the literature. Because knowledge of some of its aspects is required to understand store-free biased locking (SFBL), we present a brief overview here.

Java HotSpot虚拟机使用的轻量级锁技术还没有论文描述。


The Java HotSpot VM uses a two-word object header. The first word is called the mark word and contains synchronization, garbage collection and hash code information. The second word points to the class of the object. See figure 1 for an overview of the layout and possible states of the mark word.

Java HotSpot虚拟机使用两个字的对象头。第一个字称为Mark Word,包含同步、垃圾收集和哈希码信息。第二个字指向对象的类。请参见图1,了解MarkWord的布局和其可能的状态。


Our biased locking technique relies on three invariants. First, the locking primitives in the language must be mostly block-structured. Second, optimized compiled code, if it is produced by the virtual machine, must only be generated for methods with block-structured locking. Third, interpreted execution must detect unstructured locking precisely. We now show how these invariants are maintained in our VM.






Whenever an object is lightweight locked by a monitorenter bytecode, a lock record is either implicitly or explicitly allocated on the stack of the thread performing the lock acquisition operation. The lock record holds the original value of the object’s mark word and also contains metadata necessary to identify which object is locked. During lock acquisition, the mark word is copied into the lock record (such a copy is called a displaced mark word), and an atomic compare-and-swap (CAS) operation is performed to attempt to make the object’s mark word point to the lock record. If the CAS succeeds, the current thread owns the lock. If it fails, because some other thread acquired the lock, a slow path is taken in which the lock is inflated, during which operation an OS mutex and condition variable are associated with the object. During the inflation process, the object’s mark word is updated with a CAS to point to a data structure containing pointers to the mutex and condition variable.

每当一个对象被monitorenter字节码轻量级锁锁定时,在执行锁获取操作的线程的堆栈上就会隐式或显式地分配一个锁记录(Lock Record)。



如果CAS成功,则当前线程拥有该锁。如果失败了,则表示有其他线程获得了锁,则采取缓慢加锁路径,即锁膨胀,在这个操作过程中,一个OS mutex和条件变量与锁对象相关联。


During an unlock operation, an attempt is made to CAS the mark word, which should still point to the lock record, with the displaced mark word stored in the lock record. If the CAS succeeds, there was no contention for the monitor and lightweight locking remains in effect. If it fails, the lock was contended while it was held and a slow path is taken to properly release the lock and notify other threads waiting to acquire the lock.

在解锁操作过程中,会尝试用存储在Lock Record中的数据对对象的MarkWord进行CAS。如果CAS成功,则说明监控器没有被争用,轻量级锁定仍然有效。


Recursive locking is handled in a straightforward fashion. If during lightweight lock acquisition it is determined that the current thread already owns the lock by virtue of the object’s mark word pointing into its stack, a zero is stored into the on-stack lock record rather than the current value of the object’s mark word. If zero is seen in a lock record during an unlock operation, the object is known to be recursively locked by the current thread and no update of the object’s mark word occurs. The number of such lock records implicitly records the monitor recursion count. This is a significant property to the best of our knowledge not attained by most other JVM

锁重入的处理方式很简单。如果在轻量级锁获取过程中,当前线程发现其对象的MarkWord指向其堆栈,那么就会在堆栈上的Lock Record中存储一个零,而不是对象的标记字的当前值。

如果在解锁操作过程中,在Lock Record中看到零,则知道对象被当前线程递归锁定,对象的标记字不会发生更新。



The Java HotSpot VM contains both a bytecode interpreter and an optimizing compiler. The interpreter and compiler-generated code create activation records called frames on a thread’s native stack during activation (i.e., execution) of Java methods. We designate these frames as interpreted or compiled. Interpreted frames contain data from exactly one method, while due to inlining, compiled frames may include data from more than one method.

Java HotSpot虚拟机包含一个字节码解释器和一个优化编译器。



Interpreted frames contain a region which holds the lock records for all monitors owned by the activation. During interpreted method execution this region grows or shrinks depending upon the number of locks held. In compiled frames, there is no such region. Instead, lock records are allocated by the compiler in a fashion similar to register spill stack slots. During compilation, metadata is generated which describes the set of locks held and the location of their lock records at each potential safepoint in compiled code. The presence of lock records allows the runtime system to enumerate the locked objects and their displaced mark words within each frame. This information is used during various operations internal to the JVM, including bias revocation, which will be described later.

解释帧包含一个区域,该区域保存着方法执行过程中所拥有的Lock Record。


在编译的框架中,没有这样的区域。相反,锁记录是由编译器以类似于寄存器溢出堆栈插槽(register spill stack slots,啥意思?)的方式分配的。

元数据在编译过程中被生成,它描述了所持有的锁的集合,以及它们在编译代码中每个潜在安全点的Lock Record的位置。

Lock Records的存在使得运行时系统可以枚举出每个栈帧内被锁定的对象和它们的位移标记字。


The Java Virtual Machine Specification requires that an IllegalMonitorStateException be thrown if a monitorexit bytecode is executed without having previously executed a matching monitorenter. The interpreter detects this situation by checking that a lock record exists for an object being unlocked. It is not specified what happens when a monitorenter bytecode is executed in a method followed by removal of the corresponding frame from the stack without executing a monitorexit bytecode. In this case a JVM may legally either throw an exception or not. The Java Hotspot VM’s interpreter eagerly detects this situation by iterating through the lock records when removing an interpreted frame and forcibly unlocking the corresponding objects. It then throws an exception if any locked objects were found.


解释器通过检查被解锁的对象是否存在Lock Record来检测这种情况。



Java Hotspot虚拟机的解释器急切地检测到这种情况,在删除一个解释帧时,通过迭代锁记录,强行解锁相应的对象。


The Java HotSpot client and server optimizing compilers will only compile and inline methods if dataflow analysis has proven that all monitorenter and monitorexit operations are properly paired; in other words, every lock of a given object has a matching unlock on the same object. Attempts to leave an object locked after the method returns, or to unlock an object not locked by that method, are detected by dataflow analysis. Such methods, which almost never occur in practice, are never compiled or inlined but always interpreted.

Java HotSpot客户端和服务器优化编译器只有在数据流分析证明所有的monitorenter和monitorexit操作都是成对的情况下才会编译和内联方法;




Because interpreted execution precisely detects unstructured locking, and because compiled execution is proven through monitor matching to perform correct block-structured locking, it is guaranteed that an object’s locking state matches the program’s execution at all times. It is never the case that an object’s locking state claims that it is owned by a particular thread when in fact the method which performed the lightweight lock has already exited. A method may not unlock an object unless precisely that activation, and not one further up the stack, locked the object. These are essential properties enabling both the elimination of the recursion count described above as well as our biased locking technique in general. Complications arise in monitor-related optimizations such as lock coarsening in JVMs which do not maintain such invariants.






In summary, the following invariants in a programming language and virtual machine are essential prerequisites of our biased locking technique. First, the locking primitives in the language must be mostly block-structured. Second, compiled code, if it ex- ists in the VM, must only be produced for methods with block- structured locking. Third, interpreted execution must detect illegal locking states eagerly. These three invariants imply that an explicit recursion count for the lock is not necessary. Additionally, some mechanism must be present to record a “lock record” for the object externally to the object. In the Java HotSpot VM a lock record is allocated on the stack, although it might be allocated elsewhere.





这三个不变量意味着,锁的显式递归计数是不必要的。此外,必须存在某种机制,以便在对象外部记录对象的 “锁记录”。

在Java HotSpot虚拟机中,锁记录是在堆栈上分配的,尽管它可能在其他地方分配。

不占存储(Store free)的偏向锁

Assuming the invariants in Section 2, the SFBL algorithm is simple to describe. When an object is allocated and biasing is enabled for its data type (discussed further in Section 4), a bias pattern is placed in the mark word indicating that the object is biasable (figure 1). The Java HotSpot VM uses the value 0x5 in the low three bits of the mark word as the bias pattern.



Java HotSpot虚拟机使用标记字低三位中的值0x5作为偏向模式。

The thread ID may be a direct pointer to the JVM’s internal representation of the current thread, suitably aligned so that the low bits are zero. Alternatively, a dense numbering scheme may be used to allow better packing of thread IDs and potentially more fields in the biasable object mark word.



During lock acquisition of a biasable but unbiased object, an attempt is made to CAS the current thread ID into the mark word’s thread ID field. If this CAS succeeds, the object is now biased to- ward the current thread, as in figure 2. The current thread becomes the bias owner. The bias pattern remains in the mark word along- side the thread ID.

在一个可偏向但目前还不是偏向状态的对象的锁获取过程中,一个尝试是将当前线程ID CAS到markword的线程ID字段中。



If the CAS fails, another thread is the bias owner, so that thread’s bias must be revoked. The state of the object will be made to appear as if it had been locked by the bias owner using the JVM’s underlying lightweight locking scheme. To do this, the thread attempting to bias the object toward itself must manipulate the stack of the bias owner. To enable this a global safepoint is reached, at which point no thread is executing bytecodes. The bias owner’s stack is walked and the lock records associated with the object are filled in with the values that would have been produced had lightweight locking been used to lock the object. Next, the object’s mark word is updated to point to the oldest associated lock record on the stack. Finally, the threads blocked on the safepoint are released. Note that if the lock were not actually held at the present moment in time by the bias owner, it would be correct to revert the object back to the “biasable but unbiased” state and re-attempt the CAS to acquire the bias. This possibility is discussed further in section 4.








需要注意的是,如果锁在当前时间点没有被偏向所有者实际持有,那么正确的做法是将对象恢复到 “可偏向但无偏置 “的状态,并重新尝试CAS来获取偏向。


If the CAS succeeded, subsequent lock acquisitions examine the object’s mark word. If the object is biasable and the bias owner is the current thread, the lock is acquired with no further work and no updates to the object header; the displaced mark word in the lock record on the stack is left uninitialized, since it will never be examined while the object is biasable. If the object is not biasable, lightweight locking and its fallback paths are used to acquire the lock. If the object is biasable but biased toward another thread, the CAS failure path described in the previous paragraph will be taken, including the associated bias revocation.





When an object is unlocked, the state of its mark word is tested to see if the bias pattern is still present. If it is, the unlock operation succeeds with no other tests. It is not even necessary to test whether the thread ID is equal to the current thread’s ID. If another thread had attempted to acquire the lock while the current thread was actually holding the lock and not just the bias, the bias revocation process would have ensured that the object’s mark word was reverted to the unbiasable state.





Since the SFBL unlock path does no error checking, the correctness of the unlock path hinges on the interpreter’s detection of unstructured locking. The lock records in interpreter activations ensure that the body of the monitorexit operation will not be executed if the object was not locked in the current activation. The guarantee of matched monitors in compiled code implies that no error check- ing is required in the SFBL unlock path in compiled code.




Figure 2 shows the state transitions of the mark word of an object under the biased locking algorithm. The bulk rebiasing edge, which is described further in sections 4 and 5, is only an effective, not an actual, transition and does not necessarily involve an update to the object’s mark word. Recursive locking edges, which update the on-stack lock records but not the mark word, and the heavy-weight locking state, which involves contention with one or more other threads, are omitted for clarity.





Analysis of execution logs of SFBL for the SPECjvm98, SPECjbb- 2000, SPECjbb2005 and SciMark benchmark suites yields two insights. First, there are certain objects for which biased locking is obviously unprofitable, such as producer-consumer queues where two or more threads are involved. Such objects necessarily have lock contention, and many such objects may be allocated during a program’s execution. It would be ideal to be able to identify such objects and disable biased locking only for them. Second, there are situations in which the ability to rebias a set of objects to another thread is profitable, in particular when one thread allocates many objects and performs an initial synchronization operation on each, but another thread performs subsequent work on them.





When attempting to selectively disable biased locking, we must be able to identify objects for which it is unprofitable. If one were able to associate an object with its allocation site, one might find patterns of shared objects; for example, all objects allocated at a particular site might seem to be shared between multiple threads. Experiments indicate this correlation is present in many programs[6]. Being able to selectively disable the insertion of the biasable mark word at that site would be ideal. However, due to its overhead, allocation site tracking is to the best of our knowledge not currently exploited in production JVMs.







We have found empirically that selectively disabling SFBL for a particular data type is a reasonable way to avoid unprofitable situations. We therefore amortize the cost of rebiasing and individual object bias revocation by performing such rebiasing and revoking in bulk on a per-data-type basis.



Heuristics are added to the basic SFBL algorithm to estimate the cost of individual bias revocations on a per-data-type basis. When the cost exceeds a certain threshold, a bulk rebias operation is attempted. All biasable instances of the data type have their bias owner reset, so that the next thread to lock the object will reacquire the bias. Any biasable instance currently locked by a thread may optionally have its bias revoked or left alone.





If bias revocations for individual instances of a given data type persist after one or more bulk rebias operations, a bulk revocation is performed. The mark words of all biasable instances of the data type are reset to the lightweight locking algorithm’s initial value. For currently-locked and biasable instances, the appropriate lock records are written to the stack, and their mark words are adjusted to point to the oldest lock record. Further, SFBL is disabled for any newly allocated instances of the data type.





The most obvious way of finding all instances of a certain data type is to walk through the object heap, which is how these techniques were initially implemented (Section 5 describes the current implementation). Despite the computational expense involved, bulk rebiasing and revocation are surprisingly effective.



Figure 3 illustrates the benefits of the bulk revocation and rebiasing heuristics compared to the basic biased locking algorithm . The javac sub-benchmark from SPECjvm98 computes many identity hash codes, forcing bias revocation of the affected objects since there are no bits available to store the hash code in the biasable state (see figure 1). Bulk revocation benefits this and similar situations, here in particular because our early implementations performed relatively inefficient bias revocation in this case. SPECjbb2000 and SPECjbb2005 transfer a certain number of objects between threads as each warehouse is added to the benchmark, not enough to impact scores greatly but enough to trigger the bulk revocation heuristic. The addition of bulk rebiasing, which is then triggered at the time of addition of each warehouse, reclaims the gains to be had.





Note that the addition of both bulk revocation and rebiasing does not reduce the peak performance of biased locking compared to the basic algorithm without these operations. This is discussed further in Section 7.



Though walking the object heap to implement bulk rebias and revocation algorithms is workable for relatively small heaps, it does not scale well as the heap grows. To address this problem, we introduce the concept of an epoch, a timestamp indicating the validity of the bias. As shown in figure 1, the epoch is a bitfield in the mark word of biasable instances. Each data type has a corresponding epoch as long as the data type is biasable. An object is now considered biased toward a thread T if both the bias owner in the mark word is T, and the epoch of the instance is equal to the epoch of the data type.






With this scheme, bulk rebiasing of objects of class C becomes much less costly. We still stop all mutator threads at a safe-point; without stopping the mutator threads we cannot reliably tell whether or not a biased object is currently locked. The thread performing the rebiasing:



  1. Increments the epoch number of class C. This is a fixed-width integer, with the same bit-width in the class as in the object headers. Thus, the increment operation may cause wrapping, but as we will argue below, this does not compromise correct- ness.

    增大class C的epoch数字。这是一个固定宽度的整数,在类中的位宽与对象头中的位宽相同。因此,增量操作可能会导致封装,但正如我们在下面所论证的,这并不影响正确性。

  2. Scans all thread stacks to locate objects of class C that are currently locked, updating their bias epochs to the new current bias epoch for class C. Alternatively, based on heuristic consideration, these objects’ biases could be revoked.


No heap scan is necessary; objects whose epoch numbers were not changed will, for the most part, now have a different epoch number than their class, and will be considered to be in the biasable but unbiased state.



The pseudocode for the lock-acquisition operation then looks much like:



Above we made the qualification that incrementing a class’s bias epoch will “for the most part” rebias all objects of the given class. This qualification is necessary because of the finite width of the epoch field, which allows integer wrapping. If the epoch field is N bits wide, and X is an object of type T, then if 2ˆN bulk rebiasing operations for class T occur without any lock operation updating the bias epoch of X to the current epoch, then it will appear that X is again biased in the current epoch, that is, that its bias is valid. Note that this is purely a performance concern – it is perfectly permissible, from a correctness viewpoint, to consider X biased. It may mean that if a thread other than the bias holder attempts to lock X, an individual bias revocation operation may be required. But a sufficiently large value of N can decrease the frequency of this situation significantly: objects that are actually locked between one epoch and the next have their epoch updated to the current epoch, so this situation only occurs with infrequently-locked objects. Further, we could arrange for operations that naturally visit all live objects, namely garbage collection, to normalize lock states, convert- ing biased objects with invalid epochs into biasable-but-unbiased objects. (If done in a stop-world collection this can be done with non-atomic stores; in a concurrent marker, however, the lock word would have to be updated with an atomic operation, since the marking thread would potentially compete with mutator threads to modify the lock word.) Therefore, wrapping issues could also be prevented by choosing N large enough to make it highly likely that a full-heap garbage-collection would occur before 2ˆN bulk rebias operations for a given type can occur.

上面我们做了一个假设,即递增一个类的偏向epoch将 “在大多数情况下 “导致重偏向给定类的所有对象。







In practice, wrapping of the epoch field can be ignored. Bench-marking has not uncovered any situations where individual bias revocations are provoked due to epoch overflow. The current implementation of biased locking in the Java HotSpot VM normalizes object headers during GC, so the mark words of biasable objects with invalid epochs are reverted to the unbiased state. This is done purely to reduce the number of mark words preserved during GC, not to counteract epoch overflow.



目前Java HotSpot VM中的偏置锁定的实现在GC过程中对对象头进行了归一化处理,因此具有无效epoch的可偏置对象的标记字会恢复到无偏置状态。


It is a straightforward extension to support bulk revocation of biases of a given data type. Recall that in bulk revocation, unlike bulk rebiasing, it is desired to completely disable the biased locking optimization for the data type, instead of allowing the object to be potentially rebiased to a new thread. Rather than incrementing the epoch in the data type, the “biasable” property for that data type may be disabled, and a dynamic test of this property added to the lock sequence:





This variant of the lock sequence is the one currently implemented in the Java HotSpot VM.

这个锁流程的变体是目前在Java HotSpot虚拟机中实现的。

Epoch-based rebiasing and revocation may also be extended to rebias objects at a granularity between the instance and class level. For example, we might distinguish between objects of a given class based on their allocation site; JIT-generated allocation code could be modified to insert an allocation site identifier in the object header. Each allocation site could have its own epoch, and the locking sequence could check the appropriate epoch for the object:






To simplify the allocation path for new instances as well as storage of the per-data-type epochs, a prototype mark word is kept in each data type. This is the value to which the mark word of new instances will be set. The epoch is stored in the prototype mark word as long as the prototype is biasable.



In practice, a single logical XOR operation in assembly code computes the bitwise difference between the instance’s mark word and the prototype mark word of the data type. A sequence of tests are performed on the result of the XOR to determine whether the bias is held by the current thread and currently valid, whether the epoch has expired, whether the data type is no longer biasable, or whether the bias is assumed not held, and the system reacts appropriately. Listing 4 shows the complete SPARC assembly code for the lock acquisition path of SFBL with epochs.








SFBL is similar to, and is inspired by, lock reservation and its refinements. Lock reservation is directly comparable to our basic biased locking technique described in Section 3. Both techniques eliminate all atomic operations for uncontended synchronization and have a severe penalty for bias revocation. Our technique avoids subtle race conditions because objects’ headers are not repeatedly updated with non-atomic stores. However, because an explicit recursion count is not maintained, it is more difficult in our technique to determine at any given point in time whether a biased lock is actually held by a given thread.





The global safepoint required for bias revocation in our technique is more expensive than the signal used in lock reservation. It can be a barrier to scalability in applications such as Volano with many threads, many contended lock operations, and ongoing dynamic class loading. However, our experience has been that the combination of these characteristics in an application is rare. We have prototyped a per-thread safepoint mechanism and are investigating its performance characteristics. We also believe a less ex- pensive per-object bias revocation technique is possible for uncontended locks while maintaining the useful locking invariants in the Java HotSpot VM, and plan to investigate this in the future.




我们还认为,对于无争夺锁,同时保持Java HotSpot虚拟机中有用的锁定不变性,可以采用一种不那么昂贵的每对象偏向撤销技术,并计划在未来对此进行研究。

Reservation-based spin locks [12, 10] are comparable to our addition of bulk rebiasing and revocation described in Section 4. Both techniques build on top of an underlying biased locking algorithm to reduce the impact of bias revocation. An advantage of reservation-based spin locks is that they largely eliminate, rather than reduce or amortize, the cost of bias revocation. However, reservation-based spin locks do not support transfer of bias ownership between threads. The first thread to lock a given object will always be the bias owner, and other threads will still need to use atomic operations to enter and exit the lock, eliminating the benefits of the optimization for these other threads. In contrast, epoch-based bulk rebiasing allows direct transfer of biases in the aggregate from one thread to another, at the cost of a small number of per-object revocations. Our experience indicates this supports optimization of significantly more synchronization patterns in real programs.








Neither reservation-based spin locks nor our algorithm optimize the case of a single object or small set of objects being locked and unlocked multiple times sequentially by two or more threads, but always in uncontended fashion. Our bulk rebiasing technique optimizes this case in the aggregate, when many such objects are locked in this pattern. Efficient optimization of this synchronization pattern is an important area for future research.




Reservation-based spin locks appear to adversely impact the peak performance of the lock reservation optimization as can be seen in the published results for db and jack [12, 10]. In contrast, epoch-based bulk rebiasing and revocation appear to reduce the adverse impacts of the biased locking optimization without impact- ing peak performance, as shown in Sections 4 and 6. We believe the high cost of per-object bias revocation in our system is responsible for the negative impact on the Volano benchmark, and plan to reduce this cost in the future. Nonetheless, feedback from customers indicates that our current biased locking implementation yields good results in the field with no pathological performance problems.





Speculative locking [7], another biased locking technique, eliminates all synchronization-related atomic operations, but requires a separate field in each object instance to hold the thread ID. This space increase makes the technique unsuitable for most data types. Additionally, speculative locking does not support the transfer of bias ownership from one thread to another, nor selective disabling of the optimization where unprofitable.




Previous lightweight locking techniques[1, 2, 5] exhibit quite different performance characteristics for contended and uncontended locking and contain very different techniques for falling back to heavyweight operating system locks under contention. Some of these techniques use only one atomic operation per pair of lock/unlock operations rather than two. Nonetheless, all of these techniques use at least one atomic operation per lock/unlock sequence so are not directly comparable to SFBL. Potentially, any of these techniques could be used as the underlying synchronization technique for SFBL or a similar biased locking technique.



Our technique is implemented in the current development version of the Java HotSpot VM. Binaries for various architectures and source code can be downloaded from http://mustang.dev.java.net/. The current build contains the per-data-type epoch-based rebiasing and revocation presented here. The biased locking optimization is currently enabled by default and can be disabled for comparison purposes by specifying -XX:-UseBiasedLocking on the command line.

我们的技术是在当前开发版本的Java HotSpot VM中实现的。

各种架构的二进制文件和源代码可以从 http://mustang.dev.java.net/ 下载。




Current trends toward multiprocessor systems in the computing industry make synchronization-related atomic operations an increasing impediment to the scalability of applications. Biased locking techniques are crucial to continued performance improvement of programming language implementations.



We have presented a new biased locking technique which optimizes more synchronization patterns than previous techniques:


  • It eliminates repeated stores to the object header. Store elimination makes it easier to transfer bias ownership between threads.


  • It introduces bulk rebiasing and revocation to amortize the cost of per-object bias revocation while retaining the benefits of biased locking.


  • Epoch-based bulk rebiasing and revocation yield efficient bulk transfer of bias ownership from one thread to another.


Our technique is applicable to any programming language and virtual machine with mostly block-structured locking and a few invariants in the interpreter and dynamic compiler. It yields good performance increases on a range of benchmarks with few penalties, and customer feedback indicates that it performs well on Java programs in the field. We believe our technique can be extended to optimize even more synchronization patterns.


